

Susan’s services include group yoga classes and private yoga instruction. She also teaches special classes and gives private instruction for people with health challenges.


Group Yoga Classes


I teach intermediate level classes at Opus Yoga, located in the Kentlands area of Gaithersburg, MD and through the Montgomery Village Foundation at Lake Marion Community Center. These are energetic 90-minute classes, taught in a flowing style designed to move, stretch and strengthen all parts of your body and leave you feeling delightfully calm yet energized.

I also teach gentle yoga classes for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. These classes include slow, mindful, whole-body movements and breathing exercises designed to calm the central nervous system; stimulate lymphatic circulation; maintain strength, flexibility and balance; and generally manage the stress and symptoms of a cancer diagnosis. These classes also provide a warm and welcoming sense of community for those affected by cancer.

You can find my complete teaching and workshop schedule here.

Private Yoga Instruction


I offer private and small group lessons for those who want individual, personalized instruction. This is especially helpful for students with injuries or chronic health conditions, but can also benefit beginners or anyone wishing to deepen her/his practice. Often, just 1 or 2 sessions can give you tools to better manage your particular challenge or enhance performance in your athletic pursuits. Lessons can be held in my home or yours.

Private lessons are $60 each or 5 sessions for $250. Small group classes can be arranged, with price dependent on number of students. Please contact me for additional information.

Yoga for Health and Pain Relief


Yoga therapy is a rapidly growing specialty among experienced yoga teachers. When I work with students therapeutically, I assess their needs and goals and recommend yoga postures, breathing exercises and other therapeutic tools to help them manage a chronic illness or injury, relieve pain, or improve general strength, flexibility and balance.

For example, I teach gentle yoga classes for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers. These classes include slow, mindful, whole-body movements and breathing exercises designed to calm the central nervous system; stimulate lymphatic circulation; maintain strength, flexibility and balance; and generally manage the stress and symptoms of a cancer diagnosis. These classes also provide a warm and welcoming sense of community for those affected by cancer.

I also work with students one-on-one through private lessons. Past students have included athletes with chronic injuries as well as people living with osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, ALS, spondylolysthesis, and other challenges.

I am a member of the International Association of Yoga Therapists and spend time almost daily learning about the best practices in this field.